John Fristoe (Newsletter Editor)
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To Photo Galleries of Common Cup Activities Click Here
Sep. 25, 2009 We just never know what the good Lord has in store for us.
Just a few short months ago, Esther Hofferbert was seriously injured in an automobile accident marking a low point in her life.
Today, she has fully recovered and Ann Ledbetter informs us that tomorrow (Saturday) she will mark a high point in her life.
Ann reports:
"Esther Hofferbert of Paintersville/Eleazer church will be inducted into the Greene County Hall of Fame Saturday 26 at the Walnut Creek Country Club on the Dayton-Xenia Road. The awards program follows lunch"
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Sep. 25, 2009 As the IHN (Interfaith) facility progresses toward completion, we take note that the Common Cup room, located on the second level, received finish paint on its walls & ceiling last week.
John Sherer, one member of the faithful volunteer group, shares a few photos of the finished job.
Click Here to view shots of the handiwork.
John Fristoe (Interim Newsletter Editor)
Visit us on the web at
Mary Frantz wants you to know that they have approx. 100 folding chairs available for $3 each (where else could you buy folding chairs for $3) Here is Mary's message:
"We have some extra folding chairs available at the church. They are in a pile in the new Community room at the church. If you would like to buy some for those big family dinners or neighborhood parties, they are available for $3.00 a chair. We have approximately 100.'
"Stop in during the day, 9-12 on Monday and Wednesday or 9-3 on Tuesday and Thursday and check them out. If you would like to come at another time, call Ken McDaniel at 477-1773 and make arrangements.
John Fristoe (Interim Newsletter Editor)
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Sep. 21, 2009 Well, the month of September is over half gone and the Common Cup Food Court has served 2 Wednesday night meals already.
Last Wednesday some 215 people attended, indicating the Food Court's continued popularity. Click Here to view a few random photos taken last Wednesday night.
We should remind you that the next Wednesday night menus are always posted on the Home page of our Common Cup website (at least as soon as Virginia figures out the menu).
Also, on our website's home page, you can find a link to this year's Common Cup handbook. The handbook has been distributed as a hard copy to all the churches, but in case you didn't pick up a copy (or would like to download particular pages) you can find it on the website.
We continue to get more subscribers to this newsletter and we are aware that there may be some coming to the Food Court/ Growth Group sessions for the first time. For that we are attaching a floor plan of Faith Community indicating how to enter the Food Court.
Also, if you plan to attend any of the Growth Group sessions, the Room numbers are on the attached floor plan (See the handbook for designated room numbers).
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Pastor Sandy and Mary Thevenin are teaching the class.
Classes begin on Sept. 29 at 7 pm.
For more information contact Jamestown UMC at 675-3581, Mon-Fri 9am -Noon.
This has been an extremely popular Bible study in the United Methodist church. We know of no one who hasn't been enthusiastic about it (I didn't just use a double negative, did I?).
And don't think Jamestown is too far - you can get from Xenia to Jamestown on the new Route 35 about as fast as navigating some cross town routes in Xenia.
You can view a map and driving directions on our website.
John Fristoe (Interim Newsletter Editor)
Visit us on the web at
Sep. 13, 2009 Last Thursday (Sep. 10) the Common Cup Clergy Cluster held their monthly meeting at Evangelical UMC. For those not familiar with the Clergy Cluster group, it is the pastors of the Common Cup churches which meet on a monthly basis to share ideas with each other and personally obligate themselves to a Clergy Cluster covenant. (The covenant is posted at our website. To take you to its location, Click Here. )
They share ideas, involve themselves in accountable partnerships, have lunch together and end their meeting in Holy Communion.
The group meets at a different church each month.
At last Thursday's meeting, the new district superintendent (or fairly new anyway) was in attendance.
To view photos of the Thursday meeting Click Here.
To view our District Superintendent's web blog, Click Here.
In the pastors' photo, you will see these pastors: Brad Olson, Scott Jenkins, Damon Martin, Rick Tettau, Rex Robinson, Chris Heckaman, DS, Kay Hatch, Terry Heck & Sandra Linger Santos
In the kitchen photo, you'll see two super ladies: Ruth Anderson & Sherry Newcomer.
In our eyes, this is just another example of how uplifting the Common Cup has become. Thank you, Lord, for such a ministry......
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The Wednesday night Food Court and Growth Group sessions are off to a great start in last night's "season opener".
It marks the seventh year for Common Cup's Food Court and there seems no slow down to its attendance. Phyllis Williams estimated 190 showed up to another great meal.
And the same goes for the worker volunteers; they seem to enjoy the working fellowship as much as they do eating.
To view a few photos of what went on in the kitchen, Click Here.
We want to remind you that next week's menu will be posted on our Common Cup website several days in advance.
(For those who may have difficulty with the links above, we are listed them as attachments below. Please let us know if you are having any difficulties with links)
The photos:
Common Cup menu page:
John Fristoe (Interim eNews Editor)
Visit us at
The talent packed Southern Gospel Music Festival will be held on the grounds from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
This is a FREE event and everyone is invited. Please bring your lawn chairs because this will be like those old fashioned lawn fetes with lunch on the grounds. Yes, there will be food and beverages available.
And the entertainment - there will be (would you believe) as many as 8 bands playing and singing that foot stomping Southern Gospel!
There will be events for the kids and a silent auction
Here are the bands;
Willow Creek
The Fishermen
Peaceful Mountain
Living Water Singers
The Turners
Firm Foundation
(Coming from the south, take route 42 from Spring Valley and turn right on Richland)
Common Cup Growth Groups, Descriptions, and Dates
Welcome to Common Cup!
This year we have a variety of classes, workshops, and informational meetings designed to help you grow in your Christian life. If you are seeking to grow in discipleship and mature in your spiritual life, then please consider a growth group to help you on your journey. See the Common Cup handbook for more information or contact Pastor Rick at Faith Community.
Many thanks to our growth group leaders.
Prayer Chapel
Every Wednesday night
The chapel is open every Wednesday night for fellowship, prayer, and Holy Communion.
Lydia Circle
Second Tuesday of each month
Lydia Circle is a growth, support and social group for women. Each meeting time includes a program, devotions and sharing.
Women's Bible Study-Discerning the Voice of God
September 9 - October 21
Studying the Word of God heightens our spiritual senses to hear the still small voice of God and helps us recognize the promptings of the Holy Spirit. From the Old Testament prophets to modern day believers, noted author and speaker Priscilla Shirer walks the reader through Scripture that captures the method and tone of God's communication and teaches the reader to beware of counterfeit voices, how in each encounter God's voice may differ, but the nature of it does not.
CROP Walk Recruiters Orientation
September 9
Walk Date: September 27 at 2 pm, starts from Shawnee Park in Xenia
The CROP Walk Leadership Team, recruiters, and walkers are invited to attend this meeting to learn about the ministry of Church World Service and this year's CROP Walk.
Recreation and Basketball
Every Wednesday night
The Community Center is open every Wednesday evening for recreation and basketball. All ages welcome.
Parables from the Back Side
September 9 - December 16
Written by J. Ellsworth Kalas, a professor from Asbury Theological Seminary, this book gives insightful and brilliant insight into some of Jesus' parables.
World Diakonia Conference Debriefing
September 16
Deacon Rick will give highlights from the World Diakonia Conference in Atlanta, GA.
Care giving in Difficult Economic Times
September 23
While there is always a need for good caregiving, tough economic times call for even more targeted and specific kinds of care. Almost all of us know someone who has lost a job or been downsized, often with loss of benefits. Home foreclosures and related housing displacement present another huge issue. Even those who have not lost a job or a home may be facing additional stress in their lives. Relationships may fray as tensions increase. How can caregivers be prepared to help others deal with these and related issues? This workshop will provide opportunities for discussion and answers.
Giving our Hearts Away: Native American Survival
September 30 & October 7
Native American tradition teaches that all that comes from the heart and mind of God is sacred. This study will look at culturally sensitive ways to be in ministry with Native Americans.
Leadership Conference Debriefing
October 14
Pastor Brad will share thoughts and insights from the Leadership Institute that he attended at Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS.
Henderson Settlement Mission Trip Meeting
October 21
We will discuss the possibility of a spring mission trip to Henderson in the spring 2010.
Ginghamsburg UMC Change the World Conference
October 28
Follow-up discussion led by Common Cup Clergy. Join us as we look seriously at our call to be in ministry with the poor.
Within My Reach
October 28 - November 18
This class is a program of the Marriage Resource Center in Springfield. This class is a relationship skills and decision making program for helping women achieve their goals in relationships, family, and marriage. More information at
Henderson Settlement Ministry Opportunities
November 4
We will learn about ministry opportunities at Henderson Settlement in southeast Kentucky. Henderson is a part of the Red Bird Missionary Conference. Henderson has a strong agricultural and work camp program. We will discuss the spring mission trip to Henderson in more detail.
Psalms of the Season
November 4 - December 16
Psalms of the Season is a Bible study on the lectionary psalms in November and December. The class will enrich your Sunday morning worship experience through a deeper knowledge and experience of the Psalms. Outside class reading and meditation on the Psalms encouraged.
Brazilian Ministry Orientation
December 2
Pastor Sandy will discuss the new Brazilian ministry at Jamestown UMC. This is an exciting ministry reaching out to the Brazilian community of Southwest Ohio.
Rev. Rick Tettau
Faith Community UM
John Fristoe (Interim eNews Editor)
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The Common Cup Informational Booklet for the upcoming Food Court and Growth Group sessions is now available.
You may pick up copies at Faith Community UMC office (hours are 9am - 4pm).
We realize that some churches have already picked up copies for handouts at their locations and we encourage the rest of the churches to do the same.
Starting September 9th, they will be available at the Food Court and at the Pastors' Cluster meeting on September 10th.
And- if you just want to pick up an individual copy, you may do so at these stated locations.
The booklet covers general information about the Food Court, description & schedules for the Growth Group sessions along with Sign-Up sheets, Youth & Children Growth Group schedules, and listing of ministries going on at the individual churches.
The suggested donation for the Food Court is still $6, and the Common Cup council has suggested a graduated donation for larger families.
John Fristoe (Interim eNews Editor)
Visit us at
Aug. 22, 2009
The kitchen from which the Wednesday night Food Court Meals are served is looking spic & span.
It's been a couple of weeks now since the kitchen cabinet project was completed, but we wanted to show you what a really professional job a bunch of volunteers can do.
Just in time for the opening of this fall's Common Cup Food Court, the cabinets in FCUM's kitchen have received a lighter, brighter, all new look. But just as important, all drawers now have the metal glides which should put an end to sticky drawers.
If you have been in the kitchen lately, then you have seen the professional (I can't think of a better word) look of the project..
I know that Dick Strous spearheaded the project and am sure there were others in leadership roles.
Dick supplied photos of the work as it progressed and they are posted on our CC website.
To view the photos, Click Here.
The most unanticipated photo was that of Mr. Hendricks of Faith Community - (at least to me, because I only see him when he's trying to challenge Bob Geyer to a Walking Cane duel!)
I've included his photo below. And, he didn't come to watch, he came to work.
And, by the way, the ladies came back after completion and washed every dish, pot and pan. So, on September 9th, you'll have a clean plate to eat from.....
To see previously published photos Click Here
John Fristoe (Interim eNews Editor)
Visit us at
Joan Baxter gives this report, along with some snapshots she took of the occasion:
Joan Baxter "
John Fristoe (Interim eNews Editor)
Visit us at
Aug. 21, 2009
With this newsletter, we are sending the September-October Work Schedule and the November-December Work schedule.
Each of the schedules will be on 2 pages for a total of 4 pages
To view and print the Sep/Oct schedule Click Here
To view and print the Nov/Dec schedule Click Here
John Fristoe (Interim eNews Editor)
Visit us at
Aug. 03, 2009
Faith Community UMC welcomed its new pastor and his wife, Brad & Dawn Olson, this past Sunday (Aug. 02)
During the worship service, both Brad and Dawn introduced themselves.
Brad has previously served at two other churches which we now call Common Cup churches - Old Town UMC & Union UMC.
Dawn is a Xenia native, graduating from XHS.
Brad met his wife (believe it or not) at the Greene County Fair. She being a Xenia girl is remembered by many of you.
And, of course, many of you know Brad from former days.
So it's a homecoming of sorts.
The Common Cup camera slipped in and captured a couple of photos which are posted on our website. Click Here.
(BTW, we think we may have solved the problem of our newsletter being bounced by Road Runner subscribers - we hope, we hope)
John Fristoe (Interim eNews Editor)
Visit us at
As promised, we have posted some photos of the July 26th luncheon for Pastor Robert and his family. The occasion was to poke a little fun at Robert and then to present some farewell mementos
John Fristoe (Interim eNews Editor)
Visit us at
July 28, 2009
True to the itinerate nature of UM preachers, he transfers to First United Methodist Church in Lancaster, OH (Will he ever get used to FUM instead of FCUM?).
In his eight years at Faith Community he was very instrumental in the founding, the Leadership and the Support of the Common Cup churches. He should feel good that he is leaving the Common Cup in such a healthy and vigorous condition.
Robert's last sermon at Faith Community was rather light hearted (which helped to stem the congregational tears) to a crowd who were challenged to find a parking place.
One of the chuckles came when he was recounting things people say just before something horrible happens to them.
Most of his approximately 2700 word sermon ( yes, he tries to keep his messages to a ear pleasing length) was devoted to heaping praise on the work and workers of the church- then at the same time, giving the uninformed stranger the idea that he was being pulled along by those workers. Actually, the opposite is true.
We captured a few shots taken during the aforementioned last sermon and are posted at the Common Cup website. Click here:
One puzzlement in the photo shown above is a multi colored band seem on Robert's wrist
If you know, let us in on it....
Yesterday, Faith Community also held a luncheon for Robert following the 11am service. It was a fun affair where Robert sorta got "roasted"
Our friend, Pastor Mark Putman came up from Cincinnati to act as MC. He was nice to Robert's wife, Penny, but showed little mercy to Robert.
A number of other people got their digs in, including Rex Robinson (Port William UMC) and Terry Heck (Bellbrook UMC).
We will have photos of that event in a couple of days,
Pastor Robert's Sunday sermon title was "The Last Word"
So we decided to capture his very last words as pastor at Faith Community:
Now to him who by the power at work among us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, Amen (Ephesians 3: 20-21)
John Fristoe (Interim eNews Editor)
Visit us at
Perhaps you have never seen pictures of some of the Common Cup pastors - so we are taking the opportunity to post a photograph of their recent luncheon gathering .
The Clergy Cluster met to celebrate the commissioning of two pastors and bid farewell to three of their group who are completing their appointments.
Here is a list of the pastors:
Sandy Linger Santos (Union & Jamestown)
Terry Heck (Bellbrook)
John Beers (Eleazer)
Rex Robinson (Evangelical & Port William)
Scott Jenkins (Zoar & Sharon)
Rick Tettau ( Associate Pastor @ Faith Community)
Peggy Cromer (New Jasper & Assoc @ Bellbrook)
Kay Hatch (Spring Valley)
Tim Holly (Cedarville)
Robert McDowell (Faith Community)
Not appearing in the photo:
Charles Hemming (Old Town)
Harland Dailey ( Richland-Crumley & Lumberton)
Then last Thursday, during their regular meeting, Robert McDowell's Bible Study group presented him with a framed picture of the group. That moment is also posted.
All this information was provided by Robert McDowell in his blog. That and additional information can be found at:
Then we have an update on Esther Hofferbert.
She was moved to the Friends Extended Care Center in Yellow Springs, Ohio
The address is: Friends Extended Care Center, 150 East Herman Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
(turn right on E. Herman St just as you approach downtown, coming in on R.68 from Xenia).
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