
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Opportunity To Discuss The New "Darwin" Movie

The following message is from Glen Bengson (remember him - he's the former pastor at the Lutheran church - the church which operates The Caring Place on West Main, Xenia)

Dear Friends,

The Little Art Theater in Yellow Springs will show the recent Charles Darwin biopic at 4pm on Sunday, May 16.

I've volunteered to moderate an informal discussion after the film at about 5:30pm.

The movie deals with Darwin's personal and family life as he struggles, along with his religiously devoted wife, with his scientific observations and conclusions about the development and origins of life and the implications for faith. Darwin is a seminal scientific and cultural figure of the last 200 years (and he shares the same birthdate with Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1809). We are still debating the relevance and relation of his scientific theories and religious faith today.
It seems a good opportunity to use a major (if not Oscar winning) film to dialogue on important issues.

The intention is not to change minds or prove positions, and certainly not to engage in  technical scientific or religious talk, but to open a place for discussion, questions, insights, understanding, and civil dialogue in a neutral setting over a still-relevant contemporary issue. (I think also it's good to encourage the Little Art in their mission to bring fine, relevant, and independent movies to the community.)

For your info, the film features Paul Bettany (the monk in Da Vinci Code) and his actual wife, Jennifer Connelly, as Charles Darwin and his wife.

Glen Bengson

John Fristoe (Newsletter Editor)
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